Focus Groups

For more information about these groups, email:


The Culinary Focus Group meets the first Thursday of the month at various locations from 10:00 AM-12:00 PM. A topic is chosen each month and each member brings a dish to share containing the chosen herb plus 12-15 copies of the recipe.


The Craft Focus Group

This group makes crafts for HSGC special events. It meets from 10:00 AM -12:00 PM on the second Monday of the month at the Presbyterian Church on Wyoming Ave.




The Horticulture Focus Group meets after the General meeting at the Presbyterian Church on Wyoming Ave. A topic is selected each month.



Book Club

The Book Club meets every other month on the second Thursday at the Deer Park Branch Library at 1:00 PM. The library is located in the Dillonvale Shopping Center at 4020 E Galbraith Road.



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